

從考試實際情況看來,無原題;模擬試題的難度大于實際考試題目,實際考試選項的迷惑性較小??碱}主要考察對敏捷式商業(yè)分析的 7 大原則,技術(shù),以及具體場景下所采取的的應(yīng)對措施幾大方面進(jìn)行提問;需要把所有題目選項讀完,并選擇相對較合適解決所提問題的選項,沒有_意義上的正確答案,相反,有時合適的選項會有 2 項,需要根據(jù)題目設(shè)置的場景選取四個選項中更適合問題作答的一項

I.Agile Mindset

敏捷式商業(yè)分析的基本含義以及目標(biāo):maximize the outcome(value delivered) with minimum output: ”Do less and do the right things right”; 此項目的在多個考題的選項中出現(xiàn),也是比較契合很多問題核心的一個選項,需牢記。

需要牢記敏捷核心價值觀:respect, courage, collaboration, continuous learning, customer focus, and value maximization


  • iterate to learn,

迭代式學(xué)習(xí),傾聽干系人對solution increments的反饋以實現(xiàn)快速和有效的價值交付。

  • simplify to avoid waste,

列舉很多違法敏捷的做法,識別哪些行為或輸出屬于浪費:例如在迭代開始前6 個月開始寫高階的需求文檔,這屬于浪費。(原題)

  • consider context and adapt to realities,

背景通常是欠佳的做法,讓考生思考 如何做才能更好地適應(yīng)場景中的限制條件實現(xiàn)持續(xù)改善。

  • reflect on feedback and adapt both product and process,


團(tuán)隊在工作中使用的技術(shù),流程和工具組合稱作 Methodology。敏捷的不同流派 Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming, Adaptive Software Development, Lean Software Development, SAFe, LeSS, DAD,屬于 Agile framework,敏捷沒有一勞永逸的工作方法適用于所有應(yīng)用場景。


  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
  2. Responding to change over following a plan.


Agile Mindset 范疇內(nèi),AAC 考試很多題目是通過具體的實踐操作提問其中應(yīng)用的敏捷原則,技術(shù)或價值觀。與 CBAP 不同的是,考試在場景中列舉不太理想的實踐案例讓考生根據(jù)敏捷式商業(yè)分析的原則在改善場景中的做法,而不是列舉背景讓考生提出具體的解決方案,這一點考察的是是否意識形態(tài)中擁抱了敏捷。拒絕“非黑即白” 式的思維模式。


題目通常是描述每個原則對應(yīng)的具體做法,讓考生選取反映了哪項敏捷式商業(yè)分析的原則。根據(jù) MIT 校訓(xùn)“Mens et Manus”,給出實踐做法,選取實踐中反映的敏捷式商業(yè)分析的原則,即由 Hand 選 Mind。

  • See the Whole

Analyze the need in the context of the big picture, focusing on the business context why a change is necessary.

  • Think as a Customer

Ensuring solutions incorporate the voice of the customer through a clear understanding of the expected user experience.

  • Analyze to Determine What is Valuable

Continuously assess and prioritize work to be done in order to maximize the value being delivered at any point in time.

  • Get Real Using Examples

Building a shared understanding of the need and how the solution will satisfy that need.

  • Understand What is Doable

Understand how to deliver a solution within given constraints.

  • Stimulate Collaboration and Continuous Improvement

Creating and contributing to an environment where all stakeholders contribute value on an ongoing basis.

  • Avoid Waste

identifying which activities add value and which activities do not add value.

Waste can be divided into two sets of activities:

☆ those that have value but do not directly contribute to satisfying the need, and

☆ those activities that do not add value at all.

The aim is to completely remove those activities that do not add value, and minimize those activities that do not directly contribute to satisfying the need.

BACCM 模型和敏捷式商業(yè)分析的原則的對應(yīng)需要牢記。

II.Analysis at Multiple Horizons

The Agile Extension defines three horizons: Strategy, Initiative, and Delivery.

These planning horizons provide a framework for the shift in focus that occurs when moving between understanding the long-term strategic needs of the organization and the immediate needs of a customer.

Constant communication and collaboration across all horizons is essential to allow for rapid feedback andlearning which supports effective decision making across the organization.


Overview of the Three Horizons


The Strategy Horizon

Decisions that impact the entire organization identify the products, services, and initiatives to which the organization allocates resources.

Agile BAs support decisions about strategy and the allocation of available resources in support of that strategy.

The time horizon of the Strategy Horizon may be as short as three months to as long as multiple years ahead.


The Initiative Horizon

Decisions that impact a particular goal, initiative, or team.

Agile BAs support initiative about how to create value with the resources available, better understanding the needs of the stakeholders and the options available.

Agile business analysis at the Initiative Horizon may support decision makers in a single team or in multiple teams. Each team may work independently or they may be highly interdependent, leading to a need to understand complex dependencies between teams.


The Delivery Horizon

Decisions made regarding the delivery of the solution.

Business analysis practitioners operating at this horizon work with the delivery team to understand how to best break down work, how to deliver and test the value the team is creating, and how to learn quickly from the work the team is doing.

Teams work on prioritized work from the backlog and turns it into a valuable product or service that meets the identified outcome or goal of the solution.



Agility at Each Horizon

III. Strategy Horizon

在戰(zhàn)略層面,商業(yè)分析從業(yè)人員需要”understand the organizational goals and how they map to the goals of individual initiatives.”



At the Strategy Horizon, business analysis practitioners identify a potential need and then provide enough detail to the team working at the Initiative Horizon for them to understand the need and develop potential solutions and features.



筆者認(rèn)為在考試中要時刻牢記戰(zhàn)略舉措和交付層面的敏捷分析師的工作范圍的不同劃分,以便于在_時間內(nèi)將題目場景中的敏捷分析師做好層面的定位,以確定其工作的范圍;本著 “學(xué)概念,找問題”的原則,解析問題的本質(zhì)以及問題所發(fā)生的具體層面(戰(zhàn)略?舉措?還是交付?),對問題所涉及的敏捷商業(yè)分析的原則,技術(shù)以及建議的行動作出相對合適的選擇。


At the Strategy Horizon, business analysis practitioners focus on risks, changing circumstances, and new needs that might change the prioritization of decisions made by the organization as multiple initiatives progress.




以上內(nèi)容參見 Agile Extension to BABOK 4.3.2


Decision makers frequently delay launching initiatives until the information they have provides them with confidence that the initiative will be successful. 切勿過早地決策。決策要遵循 JIT 原則。


At the Strategy Horizon, agile business analysis provides just enough information to decide whether to begin a new initiative.



  • Is there a need to satisfy?
  • Is the need aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives?
  • Is it worth satisfying that need?
  • Do we believe we have the right team to provide a good enough solution?
  • Are we able to measure the success of the initiative?




此外,需要將敏捷商業(yè)分析 7 大原則在戰(zhàn)略層面應(yīng)用的側(cè)重點和關(guān)鍵詞記牢,詳見 Agile

Extension to BABOK 4.6


IV.Initiative Horizon

Analysis performed at the Initiative Horizon is concerned with the decisions surrounding defining and delivering a solution that satisfies a need identified at the Strategy Horizon. The goal of this analysis is to deliver a solution in a way that minimizes output and maximizes outcome.







What solution options satisfy the need?

Which solution option appears to provide the maximum outcome with the minimum output and fits within the given constraints?

What are the solution components as described by features of the preferred solution option?

What features should be delivered now, next, and in the future?

Has enough value been delivered to satisfy the need?

Based on ongoing feedback and learning, should the solution continue, change, or be cancelled?


At the Initiative Horizon, business analysis practitioners use feedback from the Strategy and Delivery Horizons to determine if the solution is producing the anticipated outcome.





  1. a)????? identify solution options worth considering for implementation;
  2. b)????? recommend the solution options based on which solution option provides the maximum outcome with the minimum output (analyze to determine what is valuable)and fits within identified constraints(understand what is doable). (define the scope of solution space);
  3. c)????? identify different possible aspects and parts of the solution (solution features) that will provide the desired outcome. (story mapping)
  4. d)????? prioritize and sequence the components(backlog refinement:星級考點,考試中多次出現(xiàn));
  5. e)????? determine if the need is satisfied is based on assessing if the outputs delivered meet the desired outcome.
  6. f)?????? assess continually solutions to determine if they are delivering the desired outcomes and sufficient value based on both the identified measures of success, as well as feedback received from the Strategy and Delivery Horizons



As a general reference, the Initiative Horizon guides analysis and action over the period of the upcoming one to three months.


Delivering continuous small increments of value (brought forth by solution increments realized in each sprint/iteration) generates continuous feedback and the learning from that feedback is used to determine if changes in direction are needed. (三個層面持續(xù)相互反饋)


The Initiative Horizon provides feedback to the Delivery Horizon by indicating the priority and sequencing of solution components. (backlog refinement)



Extension to BABOK 5.6

V.Delivery Horizon

Analysis at the Delivery Horizon focuses on the specific aspect of the solution that is currently being implemented. Business analysis practitioners collaborate with team members to ensure there is a shared understanding of the need, identify and prioritize a backlog of actions that will meet the need, and establish a means of assessing outcomes.

They do so while seeking to expend the least amount of effort discovering the information necessary to make informed decisions about the solution? ? Ensuring that User Stories are Ready for Implementation

INVEST criteria:





Seized appropriately


A user story only needs to be ready for implementation when it will be placed into development in the immediate or near future.


? Maintaining the Backlog

the priority sequencing of items in the backlog;

ensuring there are enough items in the backlog to support near-term development efforts. ( create features and decompose those features into user stories, which in turn are refined into well-written user stories.)


Business analysis practitioners continually re-prioritize, remove, and add items to the backlog formally at a backlog refinement meeting or informally as needed in the course of work.


?? Supporting Successful Delivery

Clearing any analysis related roadblocks and applying learning to avoid them in the future can include appropriately handling sequencing and dependencies related to stories, coordinating with external teams and stakeholders, and answering clarifying questions for items currently in the midst of implementation.


?? Ensuring Learning Happens in the Agile Context

At the Delivery Horizon, learning is derived from both processes and the products of those processes, and is framed by the desired outcomes of the immediate work effort.


Business analysis practitioners consider if the value delivered in the most recent increment was what was expected. Answers to this question may result in changes to the nature or prioritization of

stories for the near-term delivery effort.(價值交付的時效性很重要,JIT)


?? Maintaining Focus on the Product Vision, Customer, and Value

Constant communication and maintaining a shared understanding of the need and outcomes being sought helps all stakeholders to avoid waste and to efficiently and rapidly deliver value.


?? Time Frames

Over the period of the upcoming one to four weeks to as long as six to eight weeks.

?? Feedback and Learning

At the Delivery Horizon, feedback is rapid and ideally in small chunks. Each story delivers a small and rapidly delivered increment of value.

Items in the backlog can be re-prioritized, changed, or removed and new stories can be added based on the reassessment of potential value from the feedback and learning.

All feedback and learning is considered in the context of the other horizons. If the learning suggests the entire initiative or strategy might need to adapt, it can be used as feedback to the Initiative or Strategy Horizons.

Feedback and learning can occur both in structured processes such as retrospectives or reviews, as well as informally through day-to-day interactions and implementations.



Extension to BABOK6.6



PSI 允許考前 30 分鐘發(fā)起測試流程(launch your exam)。首先會要求下載 PSI 專用安全瀏覽器,建議通過 Chrome 瀏覽器登錄考試,需要注意的是需提前關(guān)閉殺毒軟件,安全衛(wèi)士等程序,(以避免網(wǎng)絡(luò)攝像頭被殺軟屏蔽)并在運行 PSI 瀏覽器之前關(guān)閉 Chrome 瀏覽器。

啟動 PSI 安全瀏覽器后,監(jiān)考官會要求將身份證件拍照,考生本人面對攝像頭拍照,并將筆記本電腦的攝像頭環(huán)視房間一周,包括桌子底下也要拍攝視頻。Qualification documents review 通過后,監(jiān)考官會通過聊天窗口告知考場紀(jì)律,考試規(guī)則,例如面部必須保持在攝像頭覆蓋范圍內(nèi)(筆者由于筆記本電腦角度問題面部曾三次位于攝像頭拍照范圍以外而被警告),不準(zhǔn)用手遮擋面部任何區(qū)域,房間不得有噪音干擾,房間在考試時不得有其他人進(jìn)入。



  • 考后感悟總結(jié):

考試的試題基本都是對于考生敏捷式商業(yè)分析的思維進(jìn)行考察,驗證應(yīng)試者是否在意識形態(tài)上變得敏捷。題目沒有任何與模擬題重復(fù)的情況,謝老師之前提醒的“無題可刷”的情況是與真實情況相符的。所以的題目均是場景題,命題者將敏捷商業(yè)分析的“劍招”靈活地布設(shè)在題目的場景中,要求考生通過領(lǐng)略“劍意”而作答,這也是 AAC 考試的特點,“明修棧道,暗度陳倉”,“項莊舞劍,意在沛公”的情況比比皆是,即通過場景作答場景背后的敏捷分析理念,原則以及相關(guān)技術(shù)。另外,BABOK 也有部分考點在考題中出現(xiàn)(CBAP 認(rèn)證試題),有余力的同學(xué)可以兼顧復(fù)習(xí)。

考題的難度整體上和 IIBA 官網(wǎng)給出的題目樣例相符,比趙老師提供的模擬試題略易,題干不會超過 3 行字,但需要仔細(xì)審題,弄清楚題目具體問的內(nèi)容,再根據(jù)給出的四個選項選出_合適的那一項。




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